Dumb Cane

Dumb Cane

CHARACTERISTICS:  The leaves break easily, so high traffic areas are not recommended. These plants are also called "dumb canes" because eating them irritates the throat and vocal cords. They are considered poisonous to small children and animals if eaten in quantity. They are grown in many different varieties.
PRUNING:  Foliage and stalk of the Dieffenbachia need full sun in order to keep the plant from becoming top heavy and in need support. Most of the time these plants are tied up and hung up like puppets. They must be trained to support themselves. Cut cane down to visually appealing level or pull out the very center new growth. Be aware if all foliage is removed, the plant will use less water, so be sure and check the soil before watering. A healthy plant will soon put out new growth where it has been topped out. The top section of the plant that the foliage is on can either be rooted in the pot the original plant is in, or rooted in water.